Sep 2, 2010

Mein Traum

                                (Aero Beach Entebbe  sometime last year. Picture by Me)
When I look at the orange skies while resting in the sand on a Sunday evening at the beach, I ask myself.
Why is the sky so beautiful?”

In my mind I find this had to answer so I just keep staring. When I start dreaming I never want to stop, because the dream is as beautiful as the one I am seeing. If only I could Leornardo Di-Caprio walk into my room and plant a dream/idea in my brain, then things would be less like they are now.

Clogged in thoughts of the clichés that “Dreams can come true,” is something I am less likely to believe these days.

I have no Choice but to say, one day I will dream and this dream will be real. I will touch it, feel it, grope it, hug it, spin it and most of all I will know that it is true. But before that happens I will just keep dreaming.


  1. That there is a beautiful picture, mah-mehn.

  2. For every great man in histroy. Whatever his story is did start with a dream even Martin Lurther had a dream. Inception is something else. But you can only acheve when you dream and put into practise what you dream and have faith that it will come to pass. Even arrogant Michael Ezra did have a dream.

  3. that picture is beautiful ... makes me want to go to the beach right now!
    Cliches are that because they are true. Don't stop dreaming!

  4. Seriously you asked yourself that?

    I would say cut down on the weed, but because we don't roll like that, as long as you keep taking such haunting pictures, keep the questions coming.
